Commerce House's David Undertakes Challenge
By Antonia Brindle
12 / 06 / 2017

A team of eleven North East financial experts has come together to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support by climbing three mountains in just 24 hours.
Lead by Ian Morl of Inveniam, the team is made up of colleagues from four companies including Tier One Capital, Muckle LLP and Cascade Cash Management.
Ranging in age from 24 to 58, the team has been in training for a few weeks, and so far has attempted one peak – they now just have a matter of weeks before they will be attempting all three.
The big event is being held on June 18th and between them the group has pledged to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Ian said:
“We will be climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in just 24 hours with much of the activity happening in the dark. It is a real physical challenge but it will also test our emotions and strength of characters too. We thought it fitting to push our boundaries, to raise funds for an important charity that has such positive impact for so many, in such trying times.”
The team is made up of Ian Morl, Lee Humble, Nav Mattu, Michelle Talbot, Jess Swindells, Scott Lawson, Stephen Black, Ian McElroy, Stewart Watson, David Redhead and Neil Marshall.
Stephen Black of Tier One Capital, said:
“Of the eleven of us climbing plus the two drivers and two guides, most of us have been affected by cancer either personally, or through family and friends. Macmillan Cancer Support has played a huge part in many of those life-changing events and comes to the aid of so many people, so it is a real privilege to challenge ourselves to show them support.
“Ian has set up a Just Giving page and we would love it if everyone that either knows us or wishes to thank Macmillan Cancer Support could give generously…it would make all the pain involved in climbing three mountains worth it!”
To donate, visit Ian’s Just Giving page at