Works & Demolition Works
By Commerce House
18 / 10 / 2021

Commerce Chambers Ltd are seeking expressions of Interest from suitable Contractors experienced in restoration
and conservation of external facades. Exchange Buildings is a Grade II listed building, with massive potential,
ready for restoration. The works will benefit from a High Street Heritage Action Zone Grant which is part funded by
Middlesbrough Council and Historic England.
The works comprise:
- Seeking permission for and erecting scaffold with painted plywood hoarding and lighting to public footpath,
diverting footpath and temporarily closing pay and display parking spaces
- Cleaning and repointing the brickwork and stonework facade
- Replacing damaged or missing stonework, brickwork, tiled features, and cast-iron rainwater goods
- Remove and re-slate the Exchange Place facing roof slope with new underfelt and battens
- Remove, replace, and decorate shopfront glazing, external doors, and sash windows to all floor levels of the
Exchange Place elevation
- Fix bird deterrent spikes to window ledges and gutters
- Demolish unstable rear extension and install secure fencing to rear courtyard
The works are valued at around £300,000, and will be procured via a Schedule of Works and a JCT Minor Works
Contracts. Tenders are due to be submitted on 1st November 2021 with a three-week tender period to be returned
on Friday 19th November 2021, with works due to commence in January 2022 and complete in 6 to 7 months.
The Contract will be awarded on the basis of 80% Price, 20% Quality. Ainsworth Spark Associates are acting as
Architect & Contract Administrators.
Any Contractor interested in Tendering for the works should send their company details, together with details and
pictures of three similar restoration/conservation projects they have successfully completed in the last three years,
to MAW Consulting Ltd by close of play Monday 25th October 2021.